Monday, March 9, 2009

And winter in Utah continues

All the snow had melted and signs of spring were peeking up from the ground
in the form of Poppys, tulips, daffodils, and a few blades of green grass amoung the dead yellowish lawns.

The turtles in the pond had come out to sun themselves on the rocks around the pond.

There were even a few robbins which always means Spring can't be too far off.

Then I awoke to The White fluffy stuff again this morning...... mabe a two or three inches, then it continued, and got thicker and deeper, at 2:00 PM it was up to 13 inches and still snowing HARD and HEAVY!
So winter in Utah will continue for a while longer.

We have had our Grand Bird (Blue and Gold McCaw) Buddy staying with us while His family refinnish their hardwood floors . He is such a sweat heart if he likes you, and I think he likes me a lot. He can suer be s cuddle bug In the evenings, when I take time to sit and watch TV. He will lay his head on my chest, and let me rub his head, he really likes that. Then he makes little purring like noises.


  1. I thank you sooooo much for birdy sitting. I forgot how quite my house can be. Thanks for letting me borrow the snow blower also, I would have never gotten that much snow moved. :)

  2. That's an AWESOME picture of the front walkway. It gives a great view of how DEEP the snow really is. It's so cool to think that ALL of that can fall in just a few hours.

    PS: Cute picture of Buddy :)
